Saturday, October 25, 2008


in world,is not such thing like 一分耕耘,一分收获..
thx ya,ah mao,thx 4 taught me that..
i'll rmb it,4 life.

Let's Meet The T-shirt Designer..

I really feel tat,this is a nice shot..

room 36...

Ah tam , emo-ing

erm,Group Photo? 19/23 attended the K...
i think,have to photoshop the others 4 into here edi..
will be held again in the comin days.. =)

=) god bless u 2,til the end..

Let's meet the 'Jeen Kecil' and 'Jeen Besar'...

honestyly,every1 look smart's too bad,sueping,melissa and zhouyee were not there..nevermind,photoshop3 can do it =)
just sum new frens,who also uphun/qixiong primary skolmate..

melissa ..
"You took my heart away,when my whole world was grey,u gave me everything,and a little bit more..."
seems like,addicted? haha,it's call the kongsime's fever!!
thx ya kongsime,for bringing it to us =)
u r my man!
i'll miss the moment that we sang Numb .. i appreaciated it.. it's my 'highest' song ever...

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